Monday, July 16, 2012

Hihi, all!  I'm still kicking about down here in the tempestuous latitudes of Central America.  The weather here in San Jose has been cloudy and what the locals consider "cold", but this last weekend I went to the pueblo of Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean, and it was as hot and humid as I've felt so far in the time I've been here.

This last weekend was a "free weekend", meaning that we had no school organized trips planned.  So, some of the kids broke up into groups and went to a few different places.  Eight other kids and I went to Puerto Viejo in the province of Limon.  We left on Friday afternoon after classes (at 2:00) for a 6-hour bus ride to the coast.  It was cloudy when we left San Jose, and dark, hot, and sticky when we arrived in Puerto Viejo.  Checking into the hostel was a bit confusing after the long bus ride, but we got things sorted out then went out to dinner at a pretty terrible restaurant called Chile Rojo.  Yuck.  The best thing about the restaurant was the 2 for 1 cocktails. 

After yuck dinner, we went to a couple of bars, the first one to collect part of our group who had gone to a different hostel, and the second one was a club that we had gotten a flier for from some random odd guy walking around handing out fliers and chatting up prospective party goers.  This was seriously good times.  The kids at the other hostel had met some other English-speaking kids, and we were all hanging out, dancing, know, Friday night stuff.  And I say English-speaking, because two of them were literally British, which made for even more good times, simply based on speech differences alone.

We left that bar around 230AM to walk home, and it was POURING rain.  Like monsoon style.  And we were walking.  And we got so, so, so wet.  And those clothes never really dried out.

Saturday, the entire group of us (kids from OSU, Brits, and three other Americans) rented bicycles and took a waaaaaaaay too long bike ride to a really pretty beach that I was able to enjoy for about 20 minutes because our group had gotten separated and the ones who were in the back never met up with we who were in the front.  One of the Brits was with my group (the front one), and he had locked his bike to a tree, however the other Brit (who was with the other group) had the key.  Yep.  So, two girls and I went off to find the other group, who we eventually found after much more bike riding at a beach that had way more rough waves and loads of coral, which made for a nearly impossible swim.

We had to have the bikes back by 6PM, after which we met for dinner at another not so great restaurant.  Yet again, the saving grace was 2 for 1 cocktails.  After that, we headed to the other group's hostel, Rocking Jay's, where there was supposed to be a party of some sorts, but it was pretty mellow.  There was a fire dancing show, and then we took off to another bar/club for some dancing.  However, the rain started earlier, like around midnight, and most of the group wanted to walk back before another thorough drenching.  Also, this bar was ridiculously packed with people.  So.  Many.  People.  I missed the first group walking back, but walked back with three others with the luxury of two umbrellas, one per pair.  Still got wet, just not wet through to my undergarments.

Sunday, half of us boarded the bus to come back at 1PM, and after a 4.5 hour bus ride, got back to San Jose, walked to the city bus stop, then rode home.  So tired.  Still so tired.  But it was probably the most fun weekend I've had so far.  And, a couple of the kids we met in Puerto Viejo are also in San Jose, so we have the chance to visit more with them.

Anyhoo, I've put up loads of photos on my photobucket page.  I'm trying to decide whether to go to sleep now and miss dinner, or wait for dinner then pass out.  I've basically had about 5 hours of sleep every night since last Wednesday.  The hang-out nights are understandable for no sleep, but the week nights were because of homework.  :/  However, I think I'm pulling an A- so far in language class, so that's pretty OK.  I just really want to sleep for a good 15 hours or so right now...


  1. Good grief, no wonder you're tired!! Sounds like you've had more than your fair share of hot, humid and wet. Glad to hear you had a great fun weekend!

    -Crystal Brown

  2. Sounds like you're having fun!! Way to go on your classes, different place, language, people, and still pulling an "A"!! Love ya - Tia Noelia
