Sunday, June 24, 2012

There's not much new to post today, but there are always interesting observations.  And now that I've got a cord to get the pictures from my camera to my laptop, there will be a run of photos every once in a while.  You know, when I have the chance and the drive to actually make a post.  I haven't even really started real classes yet, so I might be slammed with school-work.  We'll see.

This weekend has basically been a super mellow one with my host family, which is totally all right with me after two days of crazy air travel and being in a completely new place/country.  We've got on several walks, which is super rad, because when I get lost trying to get home alone on the bus, I'd really like to be able to find my way home somehow.

I went to church this morning with my host mom and brother.  It was like one of those evangelical/pentacostal type places, which I have never been to.  I didn't really understand what was being said, but there was a lot of great music and singing, and the people were *really* into it.  It was kind of long and so, so, SO hot.  If I go again, I need to take a water fo' sho'.

There are two supermarkets nearby, one pretty much around the corner, and one within a 10 minute walk.  Eunice says that the one nearby (Perimercados)  is good if you need sundries, but she likes the other (Mas x Menos) because their meat and produce is more fresh.  Either way, she is a fantabulous cook.

My host mama, Eunice.

Eunice is a housewife in the truly Latina tradition.  She wakes up with whomever wakes up first to make their breakfast, coffee, whatever.  This includes waking up at 4AM with her youngest daughter, Angie, who is currently doing her doctoral internship.  I've tried to wash dishes two or three times already, and today I asked where to take out my garbage if I need to, but she says, "You are here to study, you don't need to worry about that." (in Spanish of course)  Well, I sneak-cleaned the breakfast dishes this morning so HAH!

Interesting factoids:
-  On the weekends the ticos eat breakfast and late lunch with no dinner and an evening snack.  Well, I don't know about all ticos, but my family does.
-  Tons of people speak English as a second language here.  Angie and Keril speak it without an accent, and mix it in when they are talking to each other.  It's surprisingly awesome.  They are *HELLA* smart.

Me, Angie, and Keril

 -  There is no toilet paper in the bathrooms at the university.  How do you like that?  I don't.  When I told Keril that, he said, "How ghetto."  So I have to carry some kind of paper around with me.

Ok, I'm tired of thinking, but here's some photos of my house.  Besos, y'all!

My house.  See the little black spot to the right at the top of the green wall, in front of the last little bit of whiteness?  That's Jackie's head!

My bedroom

My own bathroom.  Fancy, hmm?

It's a real pain to post lots of photos to the blog, so I've got a photobucket page HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics...Hope you first day of school went well...Looking forward to reading how your adventure getting there and back home went as well as the whole "school experience" went.

    Besos - Tia Noelia
